Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Right, then.

[mood: thoughtful]
[music: 14 cheerleader cold front - guided by voices]

Alright. When I made this blog a little while ago, I intended to use it only for my surrealist rants, but I proved to have fewer surrealist rants in me than I initially supposed. Since the other night Robby and myself found our old blogs from freshman year and I decided I miss having that record of my mind, I'm just going to use this as a normal-people blog. There may be some more surrealism in the future, but not at the moment.

Today I finished the first section of my book (Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters). If I didn't already worship Salinger, I do now. Everything he writes has a character in it that I see a disturbing amount of myself in. In Catcher in the Rye, it was Holden, and here it's Seymour Glass. Reading the diary bits hit me hard. It was like when you see a really powerful movie and you can't really function for a little while afterward because you're in a little bit of a daze. The whole business of Muriel making Seymour happy and Seymour hating himself for being too absorbed in his own idiosyncracies to make her happy was just brilliant. Here I am talking about this book like I'm not the only person in the school who's read it. Seriously, if you want to know what it's like in my head, read some J.D. Salinger.

Right-o. Earthfest is Saturday. T'will be badass, methinks. Guster's headlining, and I like them an awful lot. We're meeting at Sean's early Saturday morning and taking the train into Boston. Then at night we're coming back here and watching Star Wars on the projector all night. I'm not sure, but I may go back to Boston with Josef on Monday, which should be fun as well. This weekend should be a good one.

Lately I've been completely preoccupied by writing. I've been writing down passages based on things that happen to me on any given day and plan on making them into a novella called Spaceship once I figure out some sort of plot for them to fit into. Since doing my History project, I've been borderline obsessed with the idea of screenwriting, and as a result I'm starting a screenplay called Dr. Bombala with John. It's about British explorers in Africa in the late-Victorian period. I'm also starting to write TV stuff for next year. Hopefully I'll do some of that with Sean soon. Music's taken a little bit of a backseat during all this, but the band soldiers on. We've got a few new songs that we'll record as soon as we're all free, and we're playing a fucking kickass show at the Fitchburg Library Auditorium next month with Mojo and Albedo Feedback. This burst of creative energy has completely taken my mind off a bit of personal stuff that I was hung up on, which I think is a good thing for now at least. Hopefully I stick with this stuff instead of abandoning it halfway. I never finish anything. It bothers me. Right. That's more or less it at the moment. Cheers.

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